Contact Us and Feedback

If you want to get in touch with us, please fill in the form below.

Alternatively, membership queries and general correspondence can be sent to our club secretary:

Questions about competitions should be directed to the competitions officer:

Squad and learn to swim questions should be directed to the head coach:

All training enquiries (apart from MSAC squads) should be directed to the Swim Academy Network:

Alternatively, you can call them on (03) 7065 1719. This number is staffed between 10am-2pm Monday-Saturday. If you leave a voicemail, they will get back to you as soon as possible.

MSAC squad training queries should be directed to our head coach.

Grievances should be addressed to the Grievance Officer, marked Private and Confidential:

Child Safety concerns should be addressed to the Child Safety Officer, marked Private and Confidential:

At Western Melbourne Propulsion, we welcome our members' feedback.

If you have any feedback on our club's operations or policies, let us know via our Feedback Form.

If you have any suggestions you'd like implemented, let us know via our Suggestion Form.

Ready to Swim?

Send us a message. We'll reply as soon as possible.

Please note, our coaching team will contact your current program prior to any trials or assessments taking place.
We recommend discussing any potential program changes with your own coach prior to making your enquiry.

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